Our Partners

The Green Bonds - Kenya Programme is structured as a partner initiative with Founding Partner Organisations playing the role of programme host, coordinator and stakeholder convener. The programme is further guided by the lead partners, namely FSD Africa and FMO - Dutch Development Bank.
Read more about our programme partners below.
Kenya Bankers Association
KBA was founded on 16th July 1962. Today, KBA is the financial sector's leading advocacy group and banking industry umbrella body that represents total assets in excess of USD 40 billion. KBA has evolved and broadened its function to include advocacy on behalf of the banking industry, and championing financial sector development through strategic projects such as the launch of the industry's first P2P digital payments platform PesaLink. In line with the Government's policy on public-private partnerships, KBA and Central Bank of Kenya have implemented key projects such as modernization of the National Payments System through the Automated Clearing House, implementing the Real Time Gross Settlement System (RTGS), and the Kenya Credit Information Sharing Initiative. The KBA members are comprised of commercial banks and deposit taking microfinance banks. KBA is driving the Sustainable Finance Agenda in the financial sector. The Association has been at the forefront in enabling the banking industry to not only be concerned with efficiency and profitability but to also be conscious of the wider concerns of environmental and economic sustainability. The Association has achieved this through building the capacity of bank employees through an e-learning platform.
Nairobi Securities Exchange (NSE)
The NSE is a company established under the Companies Act, Cap 486 of the Laws of Kenya (as amended) and is licensed by the Capital Markets Authority to promote, develop, support and carry on the business of a securities and derivatives exchange and to discharge all the functions of a securities and derivatives exchange under the applicable Laws of the Republic of Kenya. The NSE is a member of the Association of Futures Market and is a partner exchange in the United Nations-led Sustainable Stock Exchange initiative. NSE has championed sustainability, good governance and transparency among listed companies in Kenya.
Climate Bonds Initiative
The CBI is a private company limited by guarantee, established under the Companies Act 2006 of the United Kingdom and registered as a charity in England and Wales, and mandated to work for the preservation and conservation of the environment for the public benefit.
FSD Africa
FSD Africa is a non-profit company which aims to increase prosperity, create jobs and reduce poverty by bringing about a transformation in financial markets in SSA and in the economies, they serve. It provides know-how and capital to champions of change whose ideas, influence and actions will make finance more useful to African businesses and households. It is funded by the UK aid from the UK Government.
FMO - Dutch Development Bank
FMO is the Dutch development bank. FMO has invested in the private sector in developing countries and emerging markets for more than 45 years. With a mission to empower entrepreneurs to build a better world, FMO invests in sectors where their contribution can have the highest long-term impact: financial institutions, energy and agribusiness. Alongside partners, invests vary in the infrastructure, manufacturing and services sectors. With an investment portfolio of EUR 8.8 billion spanning over 85 countries, FMO is one of the larger bilateral private sector development banks globally.
Supporting Organisations
IFC, a member of the World Bank Group, is the largest global development institution focused on the private sector in emerging markets. Working with 2,000 businesses worldwide, they use their six decades of experience to create opportunity where it's needed most. In FY16, our long-term investments in developing countries rose to nearly $19 billion, leveraging our capital, expertise and influence to help the private sector end extreme poverty and boost shared prosperity. IFC is currently supporting the Green Bonds Programme - Kenya through conducting portfolio reviews of member banks under KBA.
WWF - Kenya
WWF, the global conservation organization, is one of the largest conservation organizations in the world. WWF-Kenya (WWF-K) implements programs and projects that contribute to providing an enabling environment for the achievement of sustainable natural resource management. WWF - Kenya is currently supporting the Green Bonds Programme - Kenya to determine the existing and estimated future investment potential and financing demand for green investment projects in Kenya